We’re a coalition of community members dedicated to working strategically and collaboratively towards community wellbeing and a better quality of life for everyone.

Our vision: A Nova Scotia where no one lives in poverty

Our Partners

  • Educators for Social Justice

    Founded in 2015, Educators for Social Justice Nova Scotia is an independently organized caucus of Nova Scotia Teachers Union members and allies, whose goal is to advocate for greater social justice in our schools and communities.

  • Nova Scotia College of Social Workers

    The Nova Scotia College of Social Workers exists to serve and protect Nova Scotians by effectively regulating the profession of social work. They work in solidarity with Nova Scotians to advocate for policies that improve social conditions, challenge injustice and value diversity.

  • Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

    The Nova Scotia branch of the CCPA was founded in November 1999, to provide greater balance to public policy debates in the province.

  • Nova Scotia Parents for Public Education

    Nova Scotia Parents for Public Education is a group of parents, grandparents, teachers and others in Nova Scotia interested in promoting the principles of public education. We began as “Nova Scotia Parents for Teachers” in 2016 amid the labour dispute between the provincial government and the teachers’ union. Very quickly, our Facebook group grew and we maintain 17,000+ members. As the labour dispute ended, we decided to broaden our focus and our name to Nova Scotia Parents for Public Education. You can see “A Manifesto for Public Education” at a tab on this website.

  • Equity Watch

    Equity Watch is a non-profit that promotes workplaces that are free of bullying, harassment, and discrimination . We hold free webinars with guests who are experts on labour law, women in the workplace, fighting at the human rights commission, disability rights, and more. We also published a critique on the Nova Scotia Human Rights Regime, while we continue to monitor them. We also research topics such as how unions can be better advocates for human rights, and the dangers of NDA’s.

  • Child Welfare Nova Scotia

    The Child Welfare Advocacy Coalition (CWAC) is a group of organizations, service providers and individuals who are deeply concerned about the care, well-being and safety of children, youth, their families and the social workers and service providers who serve them.